Career Assessments
ACT’s WorkKeys is a job skills assessment system that assesses selected work competencies. The Foundational Skills Assessments (Applied Mathematics, Applied Technology, Business Writing, Listening, Locating Information, Observation, Readiness, Reading for Information, Teamwork, and Writing) measure different applied job skills in the areas of communication, problem solving and interpersonal skills. The Personal Skills Assessments (Performance, Talent, and Fit) are designed to predict job behavior and measure the full potential of individuals.
Contact your school Counselor to discuss testing options: Normandy HS Counselors
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a comprehensive career exploration and planning program that includes a multiple aptitude test battery, an interest inventory, and various career-planning tools designed to help students explore the world of work. The ASVAB is intended for use with students in the 10th, 11th, and 12th grades as well as students in postsecondary schools. The program provides tools, including the test battery and interest inventory, developed by the Department of Defense to help students across the nation learn more about career exploration and planning.
Contact your school Counselor to discuss testing options: Normandy HS Counselors