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NSC Policies

Data Governance Board Policies

EHBC: Data Governance and Security

EHB: Technology Usage

EHBC-AP1: Incident and Data Breach Response Plan

EHBC-AP2: Data Management

EHBC-AP3: Account Management

EHBC-AP4: Security Controls

Children’s Online Privacy and Protection Act (COPPA)

Normandy Schools Collaborative utilizes a variety of software applications and web-based tools operated by third-party vendors to support student learning. These instructional supports are vetted through the Technology and Curriculum Departments to ensure compatibility with the goals of NSC. The use of these tools by students is governed by the Children’s Online Privacy and Protection Act (COPPA), enacted in 1998 and amended in 2012 with the amendments effective as of July 2013.

The intent of COPPA is to safeguard students’ personal information when students are accessing online services including apps and websites directed primarily to audiences under age 13. This legislation applies to a general audience site that acknowledges it is collecting personal information from users under 13.

To allow student access to the application, site, or tool certain identifiable information-generally, the student’s name and Google Apps account ( are required by the operator.  COPPA grants schools the authority to act as the parent’s agent consenting to the use of student information for educational purposes only.

Normandy Schools Collaborative presently supports teaching and learning by accessing applications, websites, and online services operated by third parties.

This site is updated regularly. Please check for additional information.

Chromebook Policy


Normandy Schools Collaborative is supplying students with a Chromebook device. This device is the property of Normandy Schools Collaborative. The supplied instructional device’s function will provide each student access to the required educational materials needed for each student to be successful. The Chromebook allows students access to Google Apps for Education, RenWeb, educational web-based tools, as well as many other useful sites. The supplied device is an educational tool not intended for gaming, social networking, or high-end computing.

The policies, procedures, and information within this document apply to all Chromebooks used at Normandy Schools Collaborative by students, staff, or guests including any other device considered by the Administration to fall under this policy.

Teachers may set additional requirements for Chromebook use in their classroom.

Technology Usage Policy (AUP)

Normandy Schools Collaborative technology exists for the purpose of enhancing the educational opportunities and achievement of district students. ... The purpose of this policy is to facilitate access to district technology and to create a safe environment in which to use that technology

What are the Goals of Acceptable Use Policies in Schools?

The purpose of an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is to communicate in clear language how a district’s computer and network resources are to be used so that the environment is safe, secure and reliable.