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Communicating with Parents - Mobile App & Text Messaging Options

Communicating with Parents - School Messenger

The Normandy Schools Collaborative considers communication one of critical factors in building trust and cooperation with one of our most important stakeholders -- parents & families. 

We use the School Messenger mass communications system to send messages to families and staff by:

  • Automated phone (AKA 'robo calls') calls
  • Email
  • Text Messaging

Messages can also be sent in languages in addition to English (ELL families must include native language in the enrollment application). To ensure families get messages via the School Messenger system, please be sure the student's contact information is up-to-date in the student information system. If you need to make changes to the family's contact information, please contact the child's school immediately.

Because text messaging is regulated by the Federal Communications Commission, parents must opt-in to receive text (or SMS) messages from the district. Please see the flier at right for directions on how to receive text messages from Normandy.

If you have questions regarding district communications, please email,, or call/text the Normandy Community Line at 314-493-0141.