JEGB Meeting Comments
Procedure for Public Comments during the Joint Executive Governing Board Meetings
The Normandy Schools Collaborative Joint Executive Governing Board (JEGB) welcomes comments from the community. A 15-minute period for public comment is set aside at each regular JEGB meeting.
To provide an environment for effective public comment at meetings, the JEGB of Normandy Schools Collaborative has adopted the following protocols for public comment:
A period for written public comment will be provided before the meeting. Individuals wishing to make a public comment related to any of the posted action items will need to complete and submit a Speaker Card no later then noon on the day of the regular board meeting. Comments will be permitted in the order they were received, either by email or written.
Any person wishing to address the Board must fill out a Speaker Card. The card will include the speaker’s name, address, e-mail address and topic they wish to address.
The person wishing to make comments must be in attendance of the JEGB meeting or attend virtually.
Each speaker may be allotted up to three minutes for the statement. At the discretion of the Board president prior to the beginning of the meeting, the time limit may be changed to accommodate the number of speakers.
Current Normandy School Collaborative students will be given priority in the order of the comments and questions.
The board expects that each speaker will be courteous and civil and serve as a model to our students that we can respectfully disagree with another person’s positions and views.
Speakers must address their questions or comments to the entire JEGB, not individual board members, the superintendent, or the Normandy Schools Collaborative staff.
No individual will be permitted to speak more than once during this period and shall not yield their unused time to another speaker.
Only JEGB board agenda items may be discussed.
Due to time restraints, individuals are encouraged to designate one speaker when speaking on the same topic.
Speakers are not to address the Board concerning specific personnel issues at a meeting. A speaker will be immediately stopped from talking further if they speak about a personnel issue. Such issues should be addressed using the Normandy Schools Collaborative’s established procedures for sharing concerns about school personnel.
While the Board does not directly respond to a speaker during public comment due to time constraints and the need to complete the primary responsibilities of the meeting agenda, the Board may address speakers in the following manner:
The Board President may make clarifying remarks at the end of the public comment session to address any misstatements of facts.
The Board of Education may also send a written follow up to a speaker to respond to their question(s).
The Board will not entertain public comments or questions outside of the Public Question Forum of the meeting.
Unruly or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Speakers will be stopped immediately if they raise their voice or use profanity. Law enforcement will remove speakers if they continue disruptive behavior that impedes the meeting agenda.
Please arrive by 6:00 PM to ensure your opportunity to speak.